Climate change, killer asteroids or President Palin - how will the world end? And what exactly can we do about it?

The Rough Guide to Surviving the End of the World is a light-hearted yet well-informed look at threats to the very existence of life on Earth, how we might be able to deal with them and - if things go truly, horribly wrong - how we might just be able to survive. Written by scientist and sci fan Paul Parsons this gripping book examines scenarios ranging from megafloods to space radiation, super-volcanoes to bioengineering and what you should do when the going gets tough, Along the way, we meet some of the less well-trodden paths to oblivion, including the possibility that the human race will be gripped by mass stupidity and the outrageous idea that life on Earth could all be one giant Matrix-style computer simulation - which one day its creators might decide to switch off. All are placed under the scientific spotlight and presented with clarity and humour.

To survive Armageddon you need the best advice ad information going, which is here presented in ample detail missing out no plausible catastrophic scenario.