Book 65

Windows on a Lost World

by V. E Mitchell

Published 25 May 1993
Windows On A Lost World
While Captain Kirk and a landing party from the Starship Enterprise explore the ruins of an ancient civilization on the uninhabited planet Careta IV, they discover strange devices that appear to be windows.But the mysterious windows prove to be more than they seem when Kirk, Chekov, and two security guards enter them and disappear.
Suddenly, Kirk and his team find themselves find themselves trapped in a strange alien enviorment and must fight with all their strength to survive and keep their sanity. Now Spock must locate his missing comrades and solve the window's ancient mysteries before his captain and crewmates are lost forever....

Enemy Unseen

by V. E Mitchell

Published 25 October 1990
Enemy Unseen Transporting a diplomatic party is nothing new for Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise(t) -- but this particular mission promises trouble from the start. For one thing, the wife of the Federation ambassador on this trip is an old flame of Kirk's -- she's determined to see that they resume their romance where they left off. Of course, when another ambassador presents Kirk with three of his wives, finding time for the first romance, let alone any of his other duties, is going to prove nearly impossible. When a diplomatic attache' is murdered, and the prime suspect is one of his crewmembers, Kirk begins to wish that Starfleet Command would consider using some other Starship to ferry diplomatic personnel...