A View of the World

by Norman Lewis

Published 12 June 1986
Includes the piece of journalism Norman was most proud of, an article on the devastation of Amerindian populations in Brazil, which resulted in the establishment of Survival International, which campaigns to protect tribal people and their environments. Travel writing that makes you laugh, but also brings home the world's hurt in glorious understatement.

Golden Earth

by Norman Lewis

Published 5 December 1983
"a simple blueprint for Utopia" - the best travel book on Burma since World War II - despite travelling at a time of massive internal insecurity, Norman Lewis still found the eternal Burma, where pagodas are the only punctuation on the horizon and strangers are treated with an overwhelming friendliness - an overnight best-seller when first published - revisits the tragic Burma road, treked by so many refugees fleeing Burma before the Japanese advance in 1942