This 2-volume set offers documents and commentary that showcase the American political process. Candidates, issues, and campaign styles have changed dramatically over time, from the 'front porch' approach of the prediential campaigns of the 1800s to the social media campaigns of today. Political debates aren't limited simply to presidential campaigns, and this work examines how this American institution has shaped the government and its policies on personal, local, state, and national levels.

Thought-provoking coverage includes:
  • Federalist Papers by John Jay (1787)
  • Abraham Lincoln's 'House Divided' Speech (1858)
  • William Jennings Bryan's 'Cross of Gold' Speech (1896)
  • FDR's campaign address at Madison Square Gardens (1936)
  • Robert F. Kennedy's remarks on the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1968)
  • Al Gore's concession speech (2000)
  • Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention (2016)
  • Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention (2016)

The 80 documents are organised into major categories that include:

  • Politics and war
  • Politics and social issues
  • Politics and the economy
  • Politics and education
  • Political debate

The document chapters include the primary source document, often reproduced in its entirety, along with a summary overview, defining moment, author biography, document analysis, and an exploration of the essential themes.