James Lee Burke

by Laurence W Mazzeno

Published 4 December 2017
James Lee Burke is best known for mystery novels in which strong male protagonists battle low-life thugs who commit violent crimes and corporate executives who exploit the powerless to amass great fortunes. The creator of Louisiana detective Dave Robicheaux and characters based on his own family, Burke has used the mystery genre to explore enduring issues such as the nature of evil and the responsibility an individual has to his family and society at large.

This companion is designed for general readers and scholars interested in Burke's work. Organized alphabetically, entries provide analysis of Burke's novels and short stories; commentary on characters, places, events, and themes; and suggestions for further research. Also included are glossary offering briefer sketches of people, places, and events mentioned in the fiction, with emphasis on terms peculiar to Louisiana's Acadian population, and a selection of interviews and profiles focused on Burke and his work.