Die Population des Parks schliesst 520 V/gel, 116 Reptilien und 148 Sauger ein, u.a. die Grossen Fnnf: Elefant, Nashorn, L/we, Leopard und Bnffel. Auf fast jeder Fahrt kann man mit einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis rechnen, ob es sich um die gr/ssten L/wenrudel Afrikas oder die schillernde Vogelwelt handelt. Der Krnger-Nationalpark ist ein Kleinod Afrikas und gilt als Symbol aller M/glichkeiten, die sich aus der Harmonie zwischen Naturschutz und Tourismus ergeben.

Kruger National Park

by David Rogers

Published 19 January 1995
There are few places on earth where one can witness, in such great variety and at such close quarters, the miracle of life and the finality of death. The park is densely populated by some 520 bird, 116 reptile and 148 mammal species, including the fabled big five of elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo. Virtually every game drive is almost guaranteed to produce thrilling sights to remember, from some of Africa's largest prides of lion, to birds found nowhere else within the country's borders. The Kruger National Park is a true gem of Africa and stands as a symbol to all that conservation and tourism can achieve towards a harmonious level of interdependence.

Etosha National Park

by David Rogers and Daryl Balfour

Published 19 January 1995