Skoldo Primary Modern Foreign Language Learning
1 total work
"The Skoldo French Book One Pupil's Book" has 60 coloured pages (A4 size). These include: 27 x activity sheets; 5 x revision pages; 11 x illustrated songs; 2 x history/geography pages; 4 x rap songs; 2 x conversational pages; 2 x alphabet/apostrophe pages; and 160 x words to learn....Read more
"The Skoldo French Book One Pupil's Book" has 60 coloured pages (A4 size). These include: 27 x activity sheets; 5 x revision pages; 11 x illustrated songs; 2 x history/geography pages; 4 x rap songs; 2 x conversational pages; 2 x alphabet/apostrophe pages; and 160 x words to learn. Basic grammar and conversational French is introduced. The answers to Pupil Book One are found at the back of the books. The audio CD accompanying this workbook is FREE. Please Note: This book is NOT photocopiable.