
by Staci Mendoza and David Bourne

Published 1 April 2000
For centuries, the tarot deck, consisting of the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana and the fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana, has been used as a fascinating tool for divining the future. This useful guide begins with a brief history which traces the origins of the tarot and the important figures in the development of tarot imagery and decks, and moves on to explore some of the uses to which tarot can be put in a modern society.

Each card of the tarot has a different symbolic meaning. These are illustrated in Tarot and the book explains how the image reflects this meaning and how to interpret this. It suggests helpful ways of familiarizing yourself with the images and how to select a deck. There is also practical advice on how to prepare for a reading and how to cast a spread with studies to help you understand and learn more about the ways to read the tarot cards.

With beautiful illustrations, this is a clear and informative beginner's guide to understanding and using the tarot which will enable you to take control of your own destiny.