Bird Man and the Lap Dancer

by Eric Hansen

Published 12 October 2004
Eric Hansen is an intrepid traveller with a keenly perceptive eye and an appreciation for the odd and unusual. He will go anywhere, try anything, and always manages to capture something remarkable in the doing. In this extraordinary book, Hansen writes about drinking mind-altering kava in Vanuatu, his heart-rending...Read more

Motoring with Mohammed

by Eric Hansen

Published 8 August 1991
In 1978 Eric Hansen found himself shipwrecked on a desert island in the Red Sea. When goat smugglers offered him safe passage to Yemen, he buried seven years' worth of travel journals deep in the sand and took his place alongside the animals on a leaky boat bound for...Read more

Stranger in the Forest

by Eric Hansen

Published 1 February 1988
Eric Hansen was the first westerner ever to walk across the island of Borneo. Completely cut off from the outside world for seven months, he traveled nearly 1,500 miles with small bands of nomadic hunters known as Penan. Beneath the rain forest canopy, they trekked through a hauntingly beautiful...Read more