
by Betty Smith

Published 31 December 1982

Joy in the Morning

by Betty Smith

Published December 1963
Annie and Carl are Brooklyn born and raised. When Carl moved west to attend law school, Annie soon followed. Nobody expected it to last, but together, they found Joy in the Morning.

The story of a young couple from Brooklyn who marry young, have little money, and face bitter parental opposition, but are determined to make something of their life together. "In Brooklyn, New York, in 1927, Carl Brown and Annie McGairy meet and fall in love. Though only eighteen, Annie travels alone to the Midwestern university where Carl is studying law to marry him. Little did they know how difficult their first year of marriage would be, in a faraway place with little money and few friends. But Carl and Annie come to realize that their greatest sources of strength, loyalty, and love, will help them make it through."--P. [4] of cover.--LibraryThing