Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences 2014 contains details on over 11,000 graduate programs of study in 167 disciplines-including the arts and architecture, communications and media, psychology and counseling, political science and international affairs, economics, and sociology, anthropology, archaeology, and more.
  1. Informative data profiles for more than 11,000 graduate programs at over 1,750 institutions in the arts and humanities, including facts and figures on accreditation, degree requirements, application deadlines and contact information, financial support, faculty, and student body profiles.
  2. Two-page in-depth descriptions, written by featured institutions, offer complete details on specific graduate programs, schools, or departments as well as information on faculty research and the college or university.
  3. Expert advice on the admissions process, financial support, and accrediting agencies.
  4. Comprehensive directories list programs in this volume, as well as others in the graduate series.
  5. Up-to-date appendixes list institutional changes since the last addition along with abbreviations used in the guide.

Grad Guides Book 2

by Peterson's

Published 15 December 1996