How to re-connect with our senses and discover our intuitive powers. There are not just five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell), but also a sixth: intuition. Intuition arises out of a synergy of the five traditional senses, from a fusion of their higher aspects. Each of our six senses is under-developed and we can all learn to exploit the rich input they provide about the world in which we live. They each have a higher dimension, too, that leads to profound creativity. "Creativity and the Six Senses" re-empowers us by rescuing us from the endless commercial exploitation of our senses. It helps us develop our senses from within ourselves. It is both totally practical and subtly spiritual. This book describes simple techniques - exercises and visualisations - that enable us to develop each of our senses. It aims to help us use our senses more creatively in our homes, kitchens and gardens, in the studio and beyond in the wider world. Jennie shows how we can fine-tune and enhance our senses and fuse them in a wonderful synthesis that allows ingenuity and creativity to thrive.
Sensory awareness can help relieve stress, is therapeutic and so can be useful in the care of others. This is a companion along a rich path of sensory discovery that could lead to the unleashing of unimagined creativity.