In a perfect world, each new version of an application programme would be able to do more without requiring more memory. But in the real world, programmes continue to grow faster than many computer users can afford to upgrade. That's why memory requirements are so important to software buyers - and why application programmers must learn to make their products more memory efficient. Authors of "C++ Memory Management Techniques" and "Turbo Pascal Memory Management Techniques", Dorfman and Neuberger now concentrate on the C++ programming language. Here, they provide step-by-step instructions and a generaous supply of sample source code that shows C++ programmers how to use and optimize EMS and XMS, and how to build a complete virtual memory management system. This is the only professional-level guide to C++ memory management, and the only one programmers need to create high-performance software for their RAM-starved customers.

This exclusive guide fills the gap in the official documentation for OS/2 2.0-2.1. The book contains all the keyboard, mouse, and video functions that drive OS/2 programmers crazy, and answers the questions OS/2 programmers ask most online.

MASM 6.0 is more than just an upgrade, it's the beginning of a new generation of macro assemblers. New features include advanced control flow and directives that promote unprecedented levels of programming efficiency, flexibility and speed. All these improvements and more are covered in this Len Dorfman application development guide. Here, Dorfman and Neuberger provide a valuable source of structured guidance and hard assembly language code. MASM programmers learn, among other things, how to convert C header files to MASM 6.0, link multi-module programmes with MASM, start fully functional DOS procedures libraries, access BIOS interrupts, manage Windows, and write TSR programmes. They also discover the advantages of using structured programming techniques.

Instant OS/2

by Len Dorfman

Published 1 October 1993
Offers C Programmers a way to create programs and interfaces for DOS and OS/2 using the same source code. Aimed at software developers, the package is designed for those unfamiliar with how to use OS/2 and how to program for it. The package contains more than 20 program samples including window and printer managers, pop-up windows, a menu bar interface, an I/O and cursor function controller and a write-to-screen utility. The book has complete program listings for all the conversion code provided on disk.