The Horse in Harry's Room

by Syd Hoff

Published 11 March 1970
Harry keeps a horse in his room. A trusty horse only he can see. But then his parents take him to the country to see "real" horses. Horses that are free to run, kick, and nibble. Now Harry must decide: Does his horse need to be free, too?

Who Will Be My Friends?

by Syd Hoff

Published 21 January 1960

A classic I Can Read about finding a friend—a good match for 3- to 6-year-olds looking for a friendship story, especially during or after a move. 

He likes his new room and his new street. The police officer and the mail carrier are very nice. But what Freddy really needs are friends—and he looks everywhere until he finds them!

Syd Hoff created the Danny and the Dinosaur and Sammy the Seal I Can Read favorites. His unique graphic style still speaks to children today.

"Highly successful—has the individuality and style welcome on the primary-first grade reading level." —School Library Journal


by Syd Hoff

Published 1 December 1977
Although Walpole is the biggest walrus in the herd, he would rather play with the baby walruses than be a leader.

Albert the Albatross

by Syd Hoff

Published 1 January 1961


by Syd Hoff

Published 1 December 1971
Thunderhoof, a wild horse, refuses to be tamed by the cowboys but misses their company after they give up and turn him loose.