Saint Germain S.
3 total works
Blood Games is a tale of love and horror set during the last chaotic days of Nero's Rome - a time marked by excesses of high living, cruel violence, and intricate political intrigue. One of the city's few successful foreign businessmen, Sanct' Germain Ragoozy hs so far avoided the...Read more
Blood Games is a tale of love and horror set during the last chaotic days of Nero's Rome - a time marked by excesses of high living, cruel violence, and intricate political intrigue. One of the city's few successful foreign businessmen, Sanct' Germain Ragoozy hs so far avoided the treacherous maze of Roman society. But his first mistake will be to fall in love with Olivia, the brutalised wife of a powerful senator. His second will be to help Rogerian, a craftsman mortally wounded by a greedy employer. Here, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro introduces the two people that will follow Saint Germain throughout the centuries: Rogerian and Olivia. For them, he will give them is most precious gift and his worse curse: immortality. Now as punishment for his interference, Ragoczy must face the Circus Maximum - as entertainment.
The eruption/explosion of Krakatoa could be heard thousands of miles away. Islands were flooded, ships and seaports destroyed. The volcanic ash and dust thrown into the air caused crop failures and a bone-chilling winter. Throughout the world, people panicked, blaming gods or devils for their troubles. The vampire Saint-Germain,...Read more
The eruption/explosion of Krakatoa could be heard thousands of miles away. Islands were flooded, ships and seaports destroyed. The volcanic ash and dust thrown into the air caused crop failures and a bone-chilling winter. Throughout the world, people panicked, blaming gods or devils for their troubles. The vampire Saint-Germain, trading peacefully in Asia, is as threatened as anyone by the eruption. Starving humans cannot be tapped for their blood; women living in fear of the supernatural rarely welcome vampire lovers; and wealthy foreigners are easy targets. With hunger gnawing at his breast, Saint-Germain and his faithful manservant, accompanied by a female shaman and her nomadic tribe, make their way slowly toward Europe, hoping to find safety in the West.
The vampire Count Saint-Germain, disguised as a missing Hungarian nobleman, is on a spy mission in the heart of Czarist Russia. Almost by the power of his will alone, it seems, Peter the Great is wrestling the city that will one day be St. Petersburg out of swampland.Representatives of...Read more
The vampire Count Saint-Germain, disguised as a missing Hungarian nobleman, is on a spy mission in the heart of Czarist Russia. Almost by the power of his will alone, it seems, Peter the Great is wrestling the city that will one day be St. Petersburg out of swampland.Representatives of the heads of all European states are living in tiny, frigid, wooden homes as they jockey for power and influence over the Czar. When a man shows up claiming to be the Count Saint-Germain, the vampire must figure out how to protect his title and wealth without revealing either his true identity or his True Nature.