Book 1

When Shadows Fall

by Bruce Blake

Published 10 September 2013

An ancient prophecy threatens the return of the Small Gods to seek revenge on those who banished them a thousand years before. According to its words, only one person can stop them: the firstborn child of the rightful king. But King Erral usurped the throne decades past.

For whom are the words intended?

When the prince and princess discover the long-forgotten scroll, Teryk is convinced he is the savior of the kingdom and determines to fulfill his destiny. His sister is not so sure. If he is the chosen one, why is it only Danya can read the words inscribed on the parchment? And what of the other elements of the prophecy: the Barren Mother, the Living Statue, and the Man from Across the Sea? None of them can possibly exist.

Teryk strikes out on his own to become the hero he is meant to be and prove his worth to his father once and for all. His desperate sister and the kingdom's one-armed champion give chase, but none of them realize the evil they've set in motion.

The prince wants to save the kingdom. The princess wants to save her brother. But in a fight against the gods, who will save them all?

Book 2

The Darkness Comes

by Bruce Blake

Published 22 December 2013

When shadows fall, the darkness comes...

A disgraced Goddess Mother wanders blind and alone, praying for her agony to end. When a helpful apostle finds her, could it truly by salvation, or does worse torment lie ahead?

A sister struggles to understand a prophecy that may not be meant for her while her brother fights for his life. If the firstborn child of the rightful king dies, will it spell the end for everyone?

Darkness and shadow creep across the land in the form of a fierce clay golem animated by its sculptor's blood. It seeks a mythical creature whose sacrifice portends the return of ancient evil banished from the world long ago. With its return will come the fall of man.

As the game unfolds, the Small Gods watch from the sky, waiting for their time to come and their chance to rise again. They wait for the fall of shadows, the coming of the darkness.

They wait for night to descend.

Book 3

And Night Descends

by Bruce Blake

Published 8 December 2015

When days of peace approach their end…

Without knowing the consequences, the royal siblings unwittingly put into motion an ancient plot destined to bring the return of the banished Small Gods. When Danya spoke the words on the long-forgotten scroll, the countdown began.
And wounds inflicted are too deep to mend…

A mysterious healer brought Teryk back from the brink of death, but at what cost? Could he still be the firstborn of the rightful king meant to prevent the fall of man?

A Barren Mother…

Rescued from a place she never imagined herself in, she still struggles to find her way without sight, without help. But worst of all, without faith.

The Seed of Life…

Hidden in a pouch at the princess’ hip, it speaks to her. But if she doesn’t understand what it says, how can she fulfill her part of destiny?

Living statue…

The ominous golem has found that for which it searched. The first ingredient for the return of Those Who Watch From the Sky is nearly complete and man’s time is drawing to its end.

One must die to raise them all…

The Evenstar’s patience grows thin, for soon the stars will fall, and then night will descend. Then he will rule again.

Book 4

When Ravens Call

by Bruce Blake

Published 30 April 2021

Blood has been spilled on the altar of the Evenstar. As the prophecy forewarns, the return of the banished is nigh.

The forgotten scroll spoke of unbelievable things: A man from across the sea, a barren mother, a living statue, and the return of the Small Gods. Unbelievable, and yet the pieces for the second coming of the Small Gods are drawn together by fate’s hand, destined to bring evil back to the world.

Those who would stop them are spread far and wide without hope of coming together, leaving them no chance of fulfilling their destines. Captured, threatened, fleeing…the sister, the firstborn, the Mother can all only pray to escape with their lives.

If they die, what hope is there for a kingdom?

Book 5

The Twilight Fades

by Bruce Blake

Published 15 April 2021

The Evenstar has ridden a ball of fire from the sky. Ine’vesi is the harbinger of the Small Gods’ return, and a reminder of the destruction inevitable in their wake.

Who can yet save mankind?

The man from across the sea, on whose ankle is locked a cuff with no key, can’t even remember his name. The seed of life is lost. The barren mother faithless. The living statue victorious.

One thoughtless action is all it takes to set in motion the final pieces of the prophecy. One selfish decision to bring about the kingdom’s end.

With the last of the prophecy’s protectors beaten, who will stand against the gods? Is this really the end of man?

Book 6

And Kingdoms End

by Bruce Blake

Published 6 May 2021

Evil courses through the land, seeking to choke the roots sprouting from the Seed of Life and destroy humanity’s last shred of hope. The Evenstar has returned, and with him comes the rise of the Small Gods.

When armies amass at Ikkundana, the City of the Sick prepares for the final battle. But where is the firstborn child of the rightful king, the one prophesied to save humankind? Who will save the kingdom?

A sailor. A child. A once great warrior now a shadow of himself. None can stand against the invincible statue, nor hope to turn the tide of a war waged against the gods.