Hot Off the Press

by Meline Nadeau

Published 4 June 2012
Following the death of her father, Leigh returns to the sleepy seaside town of her youth, where, she’s shocked and surprised to learn she’s inherited the family paper. For a seasoned journalist with the country’s largest daily, running a small town newspaper should be a piece of cake.

She hadn’t counted on having to share the reins with David, her father’s right-hand man. Leigh sees him as an arrogant tyrant who believes that his way is the only way. David can only see her as the private school brat who’s had everything handed to her on a silver platter. To top it all off, the paper’s in serious financial trouble and the townspeople are keeping some ugly secrets under wraps.

Despite their differences, Leigh and David are going to have to work closely to save the failing paper—very closely. Their major scoop and saving grace comes by way of a prison break from the local penitentiary. And when an escaped convict highjacks the presses and holds Leigh hostage, only one person can come to her rescue.

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Méline Nadeau spends her days dreaming up new and inventive ways to share her passion for words and moving pictures and her nights cuddling her two loves, her husband, Russ, and daughter, Chloë Echo.