Improve Your Confidence

by Lynda Hudson

Published December 2003
Does your child hang back, not through lack of ability but through lack of confidence? This gentle & relaxing, self help hypnotherapy CD / Download could be the answer for your 10-15 year old. With regular bedtime, or other quiet time, listening children are helped to feel more confident about tackling a variety of situations in their home and school life. They relax comfortably, imagining breathing in calm and breathing out any unwanted doubting thoughts and feelings. They imagine going into their inner mental computer to find and delete any negative unhelpful beliefs. They type in positive messages which will program a more confident way of thinking, feeling and behaving, They then visualize themselves surprising and delighting their families as well as themselves as they look and feel so much more calm and confident in handling everyday situations. This SUCCESSFUL APPROACH is based on natural, safe, sound hypnotherapy principles: act out each positive step in the imagination and dramatically increase the chance of success in the real world. Lynda's gentle, English voice calms, re-assures as she gives suggestions for boosting confidence and self esteem.
As a former teacher and clinical hypnotherapist of many years standing, she has helped thousands of children world-wide through her CDs and downloads. She has featured in the press, TV and radio and is author of two widely acclaimed books on hypnotherapy with children and adults.The recording uses state of the art technology. Regular listening is the key to success!