Book 1

How Dean Got a Job

by Patricia L. Hughes

Published 31 July 2005
Dean's mom is annoyed because he always has all the tools. He is nearing the end of school and doesn't know what to do next. His dad hears of a bicycle where he could work and Dean is excited, but when they go there, the bicycle shop is closed and Dean is disappointed. The following week his dad takes him there again. The shop is open, and the man tells them that his dog died last week. The man asks Dean to build a bike from a box kit while he works. On return he is astonished that Dean has finished it so well and so quickly, so he tells Dean he can start work next Saturday. Dean is very pleased.

Book 2

Essential reading for making sense of the world around you. In a series of short conversations you learn how to speak to friends and family, ask questions and get replies. You learn about using words with sense and meaning. A wonderful book for parents, grandparents and teachers who want a youngster to enjoy a book.