For three consecutive terms, Margaret Thatcher served as Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, during which period she secured for herself a place in British history as one of the most extraordinary figures of the late 20th century. Her political career was turbulent, made worse by her outspoken opinions and her part in significant historical occasions such as the Falklands War and her controversial overhaul of Britain's social-welfare system. She has always received a mixed reaction from the public, some seeing her as destroying the social-welfare structure, others considering her a phenomenal politician in the international arena. Thatcher is best remembered, however, for her tireless and opinionated character. Whether it was the Falklands War, the Cold War or society in general, she had an opinion on the subject which she was not shy in telling to the whole world. This volume is a panoramic exploration of her life and career, as well as her most famous and infamous opinions, utterances and speeches - some hilarious, others controversial, and some surprisingly compassionate - allowing you to discover for yourself the woman behind the "Iron Lady" image.