Book 1

Wolf Prince

by Stephany Wallace

Published 25 March 2019

Transforming into a supernatural creature: Easy.

Wielding the power to create wolf shifters: Done.

Having a human girlfriend: Sweet death, please take me now.

My name is Gustav Von Reinheit, and after the queen of all wolf shifters rescued me from my evil pack, the eradication of our enemies became the icing on the cake.

Trading my new crown for books seemed like a good idea, until I left Germany, and arrived in the US—ready for college. Chicago, the city I chose for my new beginning, harbored a different kind of evil, one born from the ghost of our past.

Keeping our existence a secret and protecting humans, might prove difficult when a mistake pulls them into our world, and the malice I thought was behind me lurks closer than expected... inside of me.

Book 2

Dark Wolf

by Stephany Wallace

Published 29 November 2020

Being the fiercest guardian ever created: Easy.

Having people fear the mere mention of my name: Done.

Falling in love with my charge: What was I thinking?

I am Zelin Von Reinheit. The Iron Knight. Faster. Stronger. Deadlier. For centuries, my line of guardians has existed for a single mission—protect the Moon Prince. But I failed. I dared to believe I could be something other than a warrior, and it cost me everything.

Now, with Gustav gone, a trail of secrets is unraveled, linking some of the most important Alpha’s in Chicago, exposing unexpected enemies, and dragging humans in the path of our war.

To defeat them, I’ll have to let go of who I used to be, and finally figure out who I truly am.