I can do it!

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 15 January 2010
Engaging photographs help children explore their different skills and abilities, from reading and singing to helping care for younger siblings. By naming the things they can do, children will feel empowered and motivated to continue learning and growing. An activity asks children to name five things they do well and what other things they would like to try to learn.

The clothes I wear

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 15 January 2010
What clothes do we wear when it is summer or winter or when it is time for bed? Appealing photos with simple labels help children learn why we wear different clothes for different seasons or for doing certain activities. A special section shows children in uniforms and costumes and asks readers to identify what activity each child is doing.

Baby animal names

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 15 January 2010
This delightful book teaches readers about the world of baby animals by identifying animals that share the same names. Adorable photos feature pups (baby dogs and foxes), cubs (baby wolves and bears), and kids (baby goats and human children).

I Am Growing and Changing

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 15 January 2010

When I Am Happy

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 1 August 2010