Central And Eastern Europe

by John Dornberg

Published 30 October 1995

John Dornberg explores the drama of the disintegration of Communist Eastern Europe and the painful emergence of new regimes. The author, a professional journalist who has served as bureau chief for Newsweek in Bonn, Vienna, and Moscow, brings an exciting dimension and an insider's perspective to the unfamiliar political systems and complex foreign relations of these nations. This outstanding and timely study covers Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Albania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the five Yugoslav successor states.

Western Europe

by John Dornberg

Published 19 March 1996

Explore the rich cultural heritage of the 23 countries that comprise Western Europe, including both members of the European Union, and countries which are not EU members, such as Switzerland. Dornberg provides the necessary background information for comprehending the actions and attitudes of European nations, and in the process creates a valuable companion volume to Central and Eastern Europe. Accompanied by photographs and current and historical maps, the text describes each nation's history, physical geography, and cultural heritage, and discusses in detail the economic, political, and social factors at work in local affairs and foreign relations. Dornberg pays particular attention to the structure and functioning of the European Union and the overall process of European unification.