Book 1

What will it take to put the past to rest? Professional genealogist Melissa Grantham receives an invitation to visit her family's ancestral home, Ashleigh Manor. From the moment she arrives, life-like dreams and visions haunt her. The spiritual connection to a medieval young woman and her forbidden lover have her questioning her sanity, but Melissa is determined to solve the mystery. Jake Precy, owner of a nearby cottage, has disturbing dreams too, but it's not until he meets Melissa that they begin to make sense. He hires her to research his family's history, unaware their lives are already entwined. Is the mutual attraction real or the result of ghostly interference? A haunting love story set partly in the present and partly in fifteenth century Kent. Christina Courtenay won the 2012 Best Historical Romantic novel of the year award (RoNA) for her novel Highland Storms.

Book 3

Soft Whisper of Dreams

by Christina Courtenay

Published 12 February 2014
Some dreams shouldn't come true - Maddie Browne thought she'd grown out of the recurring nightmare that plagued her as a child, but after a shocking family secret is revealed, it comes back to haunt her - the same swing in the same garden, the kind red-haired giant and the swarthy arms which grab her from behind and try to take her away - In an attempt to forget her troubles, Maddie travels to Devon to spend time with her friends, Kayla and Wes. However, it becomes clear that relaxation will not be on the agenda after a disturbing encounter with a gypsy fortune teller. Not to mention the presence of Wes's dangerously handsome brother, Alex. And then there's the fact that Maddie's dream seems to be coming true - The Soft Whisper of Dreams is a sequel to Christina Courtenay's novel The Secret Kiss of Darkness.