Gun Violence

by Natalie Hyde

Published 5 March 2019
While virtually everyone agrees gun violence is wrong, there is disagreement about the right way to prevent it. This thoughtful book discusses, in an educated and sensitive way, issues of stricter regulation of gun ownership and access, harsher sentences for perpetrators of gun violence, and stronger security measures and police presence in public places, such as schools, to prevent mass shooting events.

Net Neutrality

by Natalie Hyde

Published 24 October 2018
Should the Internet be a place for free thought and free sharing? Or should the government and Internet service companies be able to censor and block content? This up-to-date book will help equip readers with tangible tools to help understand the issues involved in net neutrality and encourage them to stay informed of further developments.

The Opioid Crisis

by Natalie Hyde

Published 24 October 2018
A major societal issue in the world today, opioid addiction is causing a devastating number of deaths and is costing countries millions of dollars. This timely book includes information on the causes and effects of opioid addiction and the methods being used to combat this deadly epidemic.

Oil and Pipelines

by Natalie Hyde

Published 5 March 2019
How have oil and energy pipelines become one of the most divisive political issues today? Using fact-based analysis, this title explores the issues that have sparked environmental and economic debate and protest.