Customers are what really drive an organisation; lose your customers and you lose your business. Good customer service is therefore essential to the survival of any business, and yet many companies provide little or no training in this essential discipline - often with disastrous results. This practical manual provides essential advice and techniques for anyone wanting to brush up their customer service skills. It will provide inspiration, insight, and above all methodology for improved customer service.

The Motivation Toolkit

by Stuart Emmett

Published 17 October 2007
Motivation is absolutely key to performance. In this respect, the ability to motivate staff is an essential management skill. Yet this is an area of management often overlooked in basic management training. The nature of motivation is complex and must be learned - as must the techniques and processes for achieving it. This practical manual provides essential advice and techniques for anyone wanting to improve the motivation of their staff. It will provide inspiration, insight, and above all methodology for motivation - a toolkit for busy managers who feel they can do better...

The People Development Toolkit

by Stuart Emmett

Published 17 October 2007
People are the single most important asset of an organisation. To make sure you keep your best employees, and maximise their contribution to the business, it is essential to help them to develop to the best of their ability. This requires a comprehensive programme of employee development including systematic and continuous training, personal mentoring, and much more besides. This practical manual provides essential advice and techniques for anyone wanting to implement a continuous professional development (CPD) programme, or to improve their people development procedures. It will provide inspiration, insight, and above all methodology for effective people development - a toolkit for busy managers who feel they can do better...

The Learning Toolkit

by Stuart Emmett

Published 17 October 2007
Part of a brand new series of concise management pocketbooks, this book addresses the key area of active learning. This book will provide quick advice on how to learn on the job rather than through expensive training courses off-site. It is packed with tips for learning techniques, and provides a methodology for self-improvement towards established objectives. This is a guide both for managers wishing to help their staff to improve performance, and also for individuals wanting to improve their own performance. The pocketbooks are short, attractively designed, designed for quick and easy reference.

The Communication Toolkit

by Stuart Emmett

Published 17 October 2007
Part of a brand new series of concise management pocketbooks, this book addresses the key area of communication skills in business. This book provides quick advice on how to communicate in both written and spoken form. It provides straightforward practical guidance on presentations, negotiations, business correspondence, and telephone and email communication techniques. It is packed with tips for improved communication in all areas of business activity and at all levels. This is a guide both for managers wishing to help their staff to improve performance, and also for individuals wanting to improve their own performance. The pocketbooks are short, attractively designed, and purpose-built for quick and easy reference.

The Team Management Toolkit

by Stuart Emmett

Published 17 October 2007
Good team management can make the difference between success and failure in the achievement of a given task. Yet few managers are trained in this essential skill. How do teams function, and how can they be managed to optimise both individual and team performance? This practical manual provides essential advice and techniques for anyone wanting to brush up on their team management skills. It will provide inspiration, insight, and above all methodology for improved team management - a toolkit for busy managers who feel they can do better...

The Systems Thinking Toolkit

by Stuart Emmett

Published 17 October 2007
Part of a brand new series of concise management pocketbooks, this book addresses the key area of systems management. This book provides practical advice on how to develop and manage business systems of all types, from personal time-management systems through to database management through to more complex production control systems and automated business control systems. Whatever the level of complexity the basic principles of systems management are the same, and this book provides basic straightforward guidance for people needing either to design new systems or to manage, develop and enhance existing ones. This is a guide both for managers wishing to help their staff to improve performance, and also for individuals wanting to improve their own performance. The pocketbooks are short, attractively designed, and purpose-built for quick and easy reference.