Community Care into Practice
1 total work
"We Want Our Voices Heard"
by Angela Cole, Barbara McIntosh, and Andrea Whittaker
Published 13 September 2000
The Changing Days project, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Gatsby Charitable Trust, was set up to improve day opportunities for people with learning difficulties and people with complex disabilities. The findings of that project were applied to this further study and "We want our voices heard" reports on the good practice developed from applying those lessons to direct work with people with learning difficulties. The report looks at how improved lifestyles can be developed with disabled people through: creating a values base and culture shift; person-centred planning; empowerment; changes to day and residential services and commissioning; and building relationships through community involvement. Conclusions are made about the effectiveness of the project with practical suggestions for implementing change and overcoming obstacles. "We want our voices heard" should be useful reading for managers and workers in all departments and agencies involved in the provision of day services for people with disabilities, as well as policy makers, researchers and anyone interested in the empowerment of disabled people, community care and action-based research.