The Articles of Faith

by James E Talmage

Published 1 September 1988
Articles of Faith is considered one of the classics in Latter-day Saint literature. It is the outgrowth of a series of lectures in theology given by Dr. James E. Talmage, commencing in October of 1893. At that time Dr. Talmage was serving as the president of the LDS College in Salt Lake City. The First Presidency of the Church invited Dr. Talmage to prepare a text for use in Church schools and religion classes. It is reprinted here, edited for distribution on today's latest electronic devices. James E. Talmage was born in Hungerford, Berkshire, England, September 21, 1862. He emigrated to the United States at an early age and was trained as a scientist and educator. On December 7, 1911, he was called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, where he served faithfully until his death on July 27, 1933. This volume, together with the classic Jesus the Christ, sets forth Elder Talmage's testimony of the Savior and of the Church which bears His name.