Soaring in popularity as a major participant sport worldwide, in-line skating offers everything from fun and fitness to highly competitive training and racing. Fitness In-Line Skating is the first book to provide expert training advice to in-line skaters of all abilities.

The perfect training guide to help skaters reach their fitness goals, this easy-to-use reference features 48 different workouts grouped across six different training zones of increasing difficulty. Each color-coded zone is designed to challenge skaters in duration and intensity, so skaters can quickly find a workout that fits their needs.

Fitness In-Line Skating is part of the Fitness Spectrum Series--a collection of books from Human Kinetics that offers fitness enthusiasts a practical and flexible approach to training. Highlights include:

- six training zones and 48 color-coded workouts that range in difficulty from very easy to very hard;
- three sample skating programs from which to choose according to your training goals, fitness level, and desired training distance;
- cross-training advice for cycling, ice skating, rowing, snow skating, running, alpine skiing, snowboarding, and weight training; and
- guidelines for using the workouts to design a program of your own.

Suzanne Nottingham is one of the leading skating instructors in the country. She is an examiner for the International In-Line Skating Association and fitness editor for Skiing magazine. Frank Fedel is a leading exercise specialist and expert on in-line training and racing. He is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine.