Book 18

Visual Basic for Windows 95 is used to develop in-house PC business and client/server applications and to create user interfaces for other programs. These applications increasingly require the ability to display and create graphics and although Visual Basic provides a rich set of interface components, it offers little or no support for complex graphics. This is a guide to creating applications and adding sophisticated graphics capabilities to non-graphics applications. The book blends graphics theory and algorithms with a hands-on technique. It teaches the practical fundamentals of the full range of graphics-intensive programs (data display, multimedia, games). It covers topics including: VB control programming; graphics programming with the Windows 95 API; image processing; animation and 2D and 3D graphics; shading models, ray tracing and radiosity; and geometric and other graphics algorithms for VB. The CD-ROM features a complete library of graphics subroutines and functions, in addition to example programs from the text, all of which readers can draw upon to build their own programs.