Clayton Wheat Williams Texas Life
1 total work
Join Nola McKey, former editor at Texas Highways, on a journey through Texas history-through food! In this collection of morethan one hundred recipes, Texans share the dishes they inheritedfrom their ancestors and the family stories and traditionsthat accompany them. With a strong focus on Texas' culturaldiversity-featuring Polish cheese pie, Czech sauerkraut, Chinesefried rice, Mexican caldo, Italian pizzelle, African American purple hull peas, and German egg noodles-McKey documents theculinary impact of immigrants from around the globe. But thisbook is not for foodies alone; history enthusiasts will appreciatethe snapshots of daily Texan life, captured in the narrativesaccompanying the recipes and spanning more than a century. Toldprimarily in the words of today's cooks, these multigenerationalfamily memories can take anyone on a trip down memory lane,back to a beloved grandmother's kitchen or great-aunt's holidaytable. Included are recommendations for Texas museums andfestivals where interested readers can learn more about many ofthe foods and cultures featured in this book. Additionally, McKeyprovides tips for preserving your own family recipes and forrecording the heritage surrounding a special dish. Illustrated withfamily photos and original watercolors by Cora McKown, FromTea Cakes to Tamales will quickly itself become a Texan familyheirloom.