Four Days Till Friday

by Pat Moon

Published 15 November 2001
Ed and Lester were childhood friends, as close as brothers, until they begun secondary school. Lester has always been quiet, sensitive and intense - girls and boys alike laugh at him. Ed just wants to fit in. He feels guilty about Lester, but he is becoming a drag and when Ed puts pressure on him to complete a dangerous macho initiation test into a hard boy gang, something snaps. The boys fall out big time. When Lester becomes the target for 'hard kid' Stuart Doyle, Ed gets involved. Now Doyle wants a showdown with Ed on Friday - four days away. Doyle is a a vicious thug, and Ed is scared out of his mind. But waiting for Friday to come gives Ed time to face up to the past; the betrayal of his best friend, and the truth about Lester's sexuality. Hard-hitting issues and page-turning drama makes this a gripping and thought-provoking read for both sexes!