Abby's up against her rival Belinda Fishcake in a talent contest ...unfortunately Abby has a voice that can peel paint, and the brace doesn't help either Handsome Harris, Grandma Aphrodite's husband, is now living with Abby and her family - and the house is beginning to seem very small. Especially when he starts up an odd-job business from their back-yard. And Grandma is going all out for her Aphrodite's Ark business. Then a man with a big black beard and a baseball cap starts lurking around outside the house. Abby's convinced it's the Australian mafia, who've finally caught up with Handsome Harris ...

Calamity and Chaos

by Margaret Ryan

Published 18 May 2006
Abby can't wait for the arrival of her wild Grandma Aphrodite from Oz - and when they meet, she's not disappointed! In her sheepskin coat, crocodile boots and sixties' clothes (not to mention that mysterious trunk - what could be inside it?), Aphrodite walks into Abby and her mum's life and turns it upside down. Soon they're dancing to The Beatles, bringing chaos to the neighbourhood, and hatching a brilliant plan to find Mum a man ...

Madness and Mayhem

by Margaret Ryan

Published 18 May 2006
Nothing's been the same since Grandma Aphrodite came to stay from Australia. For starters, Abby's mum has finally found a boyfriend, and is acting like a teenager around him. And now Grandma's husband, Handsome Harris, has disappeared. Abby and her grandmother decide to enlist the help of one of Aphrodite's old boyfriends, by visiting him in jail. But the plot thickens. Could Handsome REALLY have been kidnapped by the Australian mafia? One thing's for sure, Abby and her grandma will soon be hot on Handsome's trail ...