La Guerra de Las Bandas

by K L Denman

Published 1 January 2008
"When I pick up my guitar and my fingers find the strings, and that first riff comes screaming out of the amp, the only thing that matters is sound." Jay, Kelvin and Cia are The Lunar Ticks, a dedicated band, convinced they are on their way to the top. They hope to win an upcoming battle of the bands where the first prize is a full day in a recording studio. Jay is struggling to write new material but finds he lacks the experience to come up with a truly original song. Going up against Indigo Daze, a band from another school, Jay finds himself falling for Rowan, the leader of the other band. When Rowan's guitar is trashed right before the contest, The Lunar Ticks are the prime suspects.

"Cuando agarro mi guitarra y paso mis dedos por las cuerdas y el primer arpegio sale con toda su fuerza por el amplificador, todo desaparece y lo unico que importa es la musica."--Publisher's description.