
by David L. Goleman

Published 6 July 2010
Twenty thousand years ago, when early man made his way to North America, a tribe of prehistoric predators made the great trek as well. But once in the new continent, the giant beasts disappeared, whether into hiding or extinction, no one knew. Centuries later, a battered journal - the only evidence left from the night of the Romanovs' execution - turns up in a rare bookstore. As the U.S. and Russians vie for the truth, and the lost Romanov treasure, they collide with a prehistoric predator thought long extinct. It's up to the Event Group to lay to rest the legends. On an expedition into the wilds of British Columbia, Colonel Jack Collins and his team make a horrifying discovery in the continent's last deep wilderness, where men have been vanishing for centuries.


by David L. Goleman

Published 1 August 2008
In the City of Light, lived people devoted to the science of earth and sky who made dark plans to lay waste to their uncivilised neighbours using the very power of the planet itself. As the great science of their time was brought to bear on the invading hordes, hell was set loose on the earth. And over 11,000 years ago, the civilization of Atlantis disappeared in a suicidal storm of fire and water.Now, this great weapon of the Ancients has been uncovered in the South Pacific, and it is being deciphered by men of hatred - by an evil once thought banished from history. Their plan is to attempt to control and direct the most destructive force this world has yet to see, a weapon that would make nuclear arms pale in comparison.The Event Group, headed by colonel Jack Collins, must face its most dangerous assignment ever-to find the lost trail of the Ancients and unearth the missing key before the new Reich. Can the most secret federal service of the United States track down the lost trail that will lead them to the lair of this secret power? Or will the world explode in a chain reaction that began over 11,000 years ago?


by David L. Goleman

Published 16 August 2011
Col. Jack Collins and the Event group explode onto the page in Golemon's highest-octane novel yet. NASA is shocked to uncover billion-year-old skeletal remains on the moon. When the devastating news is leaked, nations are thrown into a head-long collision as the flames of fundamentalism threaten to engulf the world. The Event Group is tasked to unravel the mystery and to offer something that can either explain our ancient visitor or, at least, keep the planet from descending into chaos. Collins leads a team of the world's greatest scientists and philosophers on a journey that will take them to the airless world of space. But while a battle rages over our heritage, the Event Group realizes that this may not be humanity's war alone. Could something else - someone else - be coming to finish a war that they started a billion years ago?