Book 1

Royal Target

by Susan Kearney

Published 19 September 2003


Nothing would stop Nicholas Zared from taking his rightful place as King of Vashmira. Not a bloodthirsty assassin-nor American spitfire Ericka Allen. Without the fiery beauty's acceptance of their long-arranged marriage, Nicholas would be denied the crown. But it wasn't duty alone that bound him to Ericka, not with desire blazing between them and the discovery that she might be the killer's real target....

Ericka tried to resist the handsome prince's skilled seduction, but their close brushes with death only intensified the passion flaring between them. Would her consent to be his queen cost her her heart-and her life...?

Book 2

Royal Ransom

by Susan Kearney

Published 17 October 2003


Hunter Leigh frightened her a little...and intrigued her-tempted her-even more. With artful precision he'd gone undercover on a dangerous mission to protect her. Princess Tashya Zared knew anything intimate she shared with the disarming American would be fleeting-before he vanished for his next mission like a thief in the night. But couldn't she allow herself today when she might not have tomorrow?

Someone had already made attempts on her life and now had kidnapped her two little brothers and demanded her and the crown prince as their ransom! Hunter could keep her safe from the enemy, but who would stop him from crossing the line and falling for his royal charge?

Book 3

Royal Pursuit

by Susan Kearney

Published 21 November 2003


Narrowly escaping an assassin, Prince Alexander fled the Vashmiran embassy in Washington, D.C., with only the clothes on his back. But the playboy bachelor was determined to take matters into his own hands. With the help of stunning private investigator Taylor Welles, he went undercover, with the icy American reluctantly posing as his adoring wife....

Taylor was cautious of every man she met, especially tall, dark and handsome ones like Alex. But something about him-his honest blue eyes, his confident grin-compelled her to believe his wild, royal story. His wicked seduction made Taylor helpless to deny him, but could she dare believe she'd finally found her Prince Charming, whose very life rested in her hands...?