By the Light of My Father's Smile

by Alice Walker

Published 14 September 1998
By The Light Of My Father's Smile is the story of two sisters, Susannah and Magdalena, seen through the eyes of their dead father, now in the spirit world. Highly contemporary, sexually explicit, disturbing and tough, it explores how love and relationships are distorted by dishonesty and deceit.

Unusual and revealing, this collection opens with a passionate account of Alice Walker's early marriage to a Jewish lawyer and their life in racist Mississippi, giving voice to idealism, lost love and hope. Ten further stories expand on this theme: tales of sisters, family, love for men and for women. They consider issues of racism, slavery, politics, sex. Alice Walker's voice, her lyricism, her magical use of detail to illuminate and add sensuality, have never seemed stronger. Rich, funny, impassioned and honest, here is a book which charts a life in progress, an identity explored. Alice Walker has always written books that have broken moulds. Her new one once again redraws the landscape.