The Hunt for Mr Jacks

by Tom Wilson

Published 29 August 2008
After the debacle of the Luxembourg Affair, al-Qaeda have put out an unofficial fatwa on Mister Jacks, with a rich reward being promised to the one who brings him down.Initially, the hunt is taken up by al-Hashashin but, when they find Jacks too difficult to locate, they enlist the aid of the Red Mafia. Now, Jacks is being hunted down by two of the world's top assassins.Thanks to his mentor, Jacks learns that he is being hunted and from then on his ruthless instinct for survival comes into play. The hunted then becomes the hunter - with fatal consequences.

Mister Jacks

by Tom Wilson

Published 31 May 2007
Mister Jacks is a man naturally more ruthless than his enemies, a condition that serves him well when he is asked to do a favour by his old friend Jacob, the head of a secret anti-terrorist organisation. The favour involves escorting a young lady from Kent to Luxembourg. The young lady is under threat from al-Qaeda and al-Hashashin but, whilst she is initially their target, their focus shifts to Mister Jacks and they pursue him with a personal vengeance. With his life under threat, Mister Jacks calls upon all his ruthlessness to determine that he goes on living. For, if he dies, the young lady dies next. And, he would not like such an event to occur.