Shacked Up

by Kate Cann

Published 17 November 2000
Rich has lost out on the design for the big alco-pops deal,but Nick, the advertising boss, is letting him live in the fantastic flat above the office-for free! Plus Nick is employing him to do story-boards, so Rich's artwork is actually making him a living-not bad for someone who's still at college. Of course, that's if Rich can actually be bothered to stay at college. is it really worth all the stupid still-lives with lemons? Unfortunately, Rich's lovely single life in his own flat is about to disappear-Bonny is moving in. Daughter of Nick's mad friend Tigger (says it all, really), she can't stand living with her mum any more. And Nick knows just the place for her. So now Rich is shacked up with some depressed, dizzy girl he's only met about twice in his life. Can things actually get worse? Oh yes.