A Sudden Death in Cyprus

by Michael Grant

Published 31 October 2018
Having melted easily into Cyprus's relaxed expat community, fugitive crime writer David Mitre is feeling relatively secure. His cash stashed in secret accounts and his exit routes mapped out, he can concentrate on his writing. All that changes when he's witness to a cold-blooded murder in broad daylight on Paphos beach. The killing brings David to the attention of the FBI, who forcefully request his help in solving a crime far worse than anything he's been accused of.

Fight or flight? Is helping the FBI the only way David will be able to live his life without constantly looking over his shoulder . or could it lead to an even worse fate?

David Mitre finds himself the focus of attention for an assassin while helping FBI Special Agent Delia Delacorte in her latest case in Amsterdam.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief . . ."

The last thing fugitive crime writer David Mitre expects as he's cruising along an Amsterdam canal is to be the focus of a bizarre murder attempt . . . But why is he being targeted? He hasn't even done anything wrong. Recently.

After the would-be assassin tries again, David is rescued by Delia Delacorte, the FBI Special Agent he locked horns with in Cyprus. In return, Delia wants his help to prevent the theft of a priceless painting from the Rijksmuseum.

Meanwhile David is also attempting to find a friend's missing daughter, allay the suspicions of the local police and evade the assassin, all the while devising a plan to stop the theft.

His plan: he'll steal the painting himself . . .