Book 2


by Lou Morgan

Published 4 July 2013
“This is a war. The war. There is no stopping; no getting out. You’re in this – just like the rest of us – to the end.”

Driven out of hell and with nothing to lose, the Fallen wage open warfare against the angels on the streets. And...Read more

Blood and Feathers

by Lou Morgan

Published 2 August 2012
"What's the first thing you think of when I say 'angel'?" asked Mallory. Alice shrugged. "I don't know...guns?" Alice isn't having the best of days - late for work, missed her bus, and now she's getting rained on - but it's about to get worse. The war between the...Read more


by Lou Morgan

Published 9 July 2013

“This is a war. The war. There is no stopping; no getting out. You’re in this – just like the rest of us – to the end.”

Driven out of hell and with nothing to lose, the Fallen wage open warfare against the angels on the streets. And they’re...

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