A Letter for George

by Stephen Cole

Published 5 February 2004
George is a very slow postman. He spends all day delivering letters, but rarely receives any himself, and the one day that he does he manages to lose it! Luckily, Frank and Buster - the Koala Brothers - are there to help.

Sea Captain Ned

by Stephen Cole

Published 5 February 2004
In this story, little Ned the wombat finds an abandoned rowing boat in the outback, but how can he make it seaworthy and how will it ever reach the ocean? Luckily, the Koala Brothers, Frank and Buster, are there to help.

Josie's Big Jump

by Stephen Cole

Published 5 February 2004
Archie the little crocodile is the Koala Brothers' new neighbour and he's keen to make friends. He organizes a party, but nobody comes! Could it be something to do with a creaky door and rumours of his house being haunted? Luckily, the Koala Brothers soon come to the rescue.

The Thirsty Penguin

by Stephen Cole

Published 5 February 2004
Frank and Buster, the Koala Brothers, are flying in their plane one day when they run out of petrol. They're stranded! Luckily, they spot a friendly penguin wandering nearby, with a map! Will they find their way home? And what is a penguin doing in the outback?