Dreams and Dreaming

by Tony Crisp

Published 16 October 1999
In the pages of this book you will discover: How dreams can reveal aspects of your mind, body and spirit. How the language of dreams is like any other language, and understanding its structure, idioms and metaphors enables you to be clear about what dreams mean. That the findings of science and the personal experience of dreams are not in conflict. How you can enter the virtual reality of your dreams while awake, and communicate with dream characters and creatures to unfold the amazing information they hold. How to stimulate or 'incubate' a dream to give practical help in solving problems of work, relationship or creativity. What lucid dreams are and how to enter their profound new dimension of experience. How to plan and attempt an out-of-body experience. Why you have recurring dreams, nightmares, or walk in your sleep. What really lies behind the terrors of sleep paralysis. How to make the dream journey toward discovering your wholeness and part in the scheme of things.


by Tony Crisp

Published 4 August 2000
In an enthusiastic and fresh study of the phenomena of coincidence, Tony Crisp confronts the common arguments and offers a new assessment of what coincidence is and what messages such happenings hold for us.The author delves into the contradiction that is an unbelievable coincidence, seen or known to certainly happen, but beyond our comprehension and urges readers to stretch their minds to dig deeper into the meaning of these "messages".