The true story of the daring escape of Mary, Queen of Scots from the island castle in Lochleven is well-known throughout Scotland and the world.

Multi-award-winning author Theresa Breslin, who has carefully researched Mary's life, has adapted this famous adventure into a picture book for children.

Through stunning illustrations and a gripping story, both packed with historical detail, children will feel the tension of Mary's imprisonment and the excitement of her escape plans, gaining insight into this fascinating period of Scottish history.

A full and engaging historical tale for children from a fabulous Scottish storyteller.

The Dragon Stoorworm

by Theresa Breslin

Published 18 September 2014

The Dragon Stoorworm was the very first, very worst dragon that ever lived. It was ginormous: almost as big as the whole of Scotland!

The King of Scotland called for warriors to defeat the terrible dragon and save his daughter, the Princess Gemdelovely, from being eaten. But none who faced the dragon ever returned, until...

Gentle Assipattle is no warrior, but maybe together, he and Princess Gemdelovely can free Scotland from the wrath of the Dragon Stoorworm.

A lively retelling of the traditional Scottish folk tale of the Dragon Stoorworm (or Mester Stoor Worm), which explains the origins of Scotland's many islands, adapted for a young audience. Award-winning author Theresa Breslin's story unfolds with wry humour while Matthew Land's magical illustrations capture the fairy-tale beauty of Scotland.

The Dragon Stoorworm is one of the first titles released in the new Picture Kelpies: Traditional Scottish Tales range of picture books that bring classic Scottish folk and fairy tales to life for young children.