Moving to VB .Net

by Dan Appleman

Published December 2001
In this guide, Visual Basic guru Dan Appleman takes aim at VB.Net, explaining both the technology features of VB.Net, the reasons for them and the controversies around some of those choices. "Moving to VB.NET" is divided into three parts: "Strategies", "Concepts" and "Code". "Strategies" explains how VB.Net is perfect for new development of Web and other server side applications - but that supporting the existing code may be disastrous - and how economics and human nature will play as strong a role as technology in how VB.Net is deployed. In "Concepts", key concepts such as inheritance and multithreading are discussed, as well as why they are over hyped. You'll learn why Microsoft is killing COM. And you'll learn other important concepts that are unfamiliar to most VB6 programmers but crucial to VB.Net programmers. "Code" explains the VB.Net language and many of its features - all based on your current knowledge of VB6. This guide is aimed at providing users of VB.Net a solid understanding of technology and at understanding the needs of real developers.