v. 22

Viscount's Bride

by Ann Elizabeth Cree

Published 6 February 2004
Faced with an unsavory choice of husband or the comfortable love of a sensible man, Lady Chloe chooses a sensible match. But she hasn't counted on Brandt, Lord Salcombe, thwarting her carefully laid plans. With Chloe discovered in a potentially compromising situation with Mr. Sensible, how dare her rescuer, Brandt, insist that the next time she wants a kiss she should come to him! It's not as if the wild and passionate Brandt is ideal husband material himself, but she can't deny his offer is tempting . . .

v. 21

The Duke's Mistress

by Ann Elizabeth Cree

Published 1 August 2002
Lady Isabelle Milborne had innocently played a part in her late husband's wager - which brought about the ruin of Justin, Duke of Westmore. Gone is the charming young man she had once known, because Justin now has a ruthless plan of his own. She must agree to become his mistress for the Season. . .