Death on Remand

by Michael Underwood

Published 3 October 1989

A whodunnit in the best blood-tingling tradition, which keeps the reader gasping and guessing till the last page.

Although Julian Prentice is a small-time crook, his theft of a car hardly seems to warrant someone's very deliberate attempt to kill him on the day he is released from prison.

The final roll-call of suspects comes to six, with six apparently foolproof alibis. Yet someone is lying. It falls to Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton to work out who ...

Cause of Death

by Michael Underwood

Published 13 October 1987

When Mrs Sophie Easterberg is found dead on her bedroom floor in the picturesque village of Five Meadows, it is apparent she has been murdered.

The obvious suspect is Dave Lucas, an ex-borstal boy recently employed by her, who has since disappeared.

Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton of Scotland Yard is despatched to take charge of the case. He soon tracks Lucas down. But is he guilty? And, even if he is, would a jury convict him?