Real-world investigations can move students in the middle grades from their earlier, informal understanding of measurement to the abstract, sophisticated understanding they will need in high school. This book provides hands-on activities that build important strategies and concepts. Students learn about accuracy and estimation and they develop formulas for...Read more

An understanding of data analysis is essential to the mathematics education of informed citizens. This book illustrates the general notion of statistics as a process while prompting discussions of increasingly complex mathematical issues. It extends and deepens students' knowledge of data analysis, introduces the comparison of data sets with...Read more

This book examines the study of geometry in the middle grades as a pivotal point in the mathematical learning of students and emphasises the geometric thinking that can develop in grades 6-8 as a result of hands-on exploration. An essay on the accompanying CD-ROM describes the van Hiele framework...Read more

This book helps students develop their probabilistic thinking by introducing them to the notion of sample space and the use of tree diagrams and geometric regions to represent sample spaces. Many activities present probability in the context of the fairness of games, a topic of great interest to middle-grades...Read more