Book 98

This book provides an introduction to elementary probability and to Bayesian statistics using de Finetti's subjectivist approach. One of the features of this approach is that it does not require the introduction of sample space – a non-intrinsic concept that makes the treatment of elementary probability unnecessarily complicate – but introduces as fundamental the concept of random numbers directly related to their interpretation in applications. Events become a particular case of random numbers and probability a particular case of expectation when it is applied to events. The subjective evaluation of expectation and of conditional expectation is based on an economic choice of an acceptable bet or penalty. The properties of expectation and conditional expectation are derived by applying a coherence criterion that the evaluation has to follow. The book is suitable for all introductory courses in probability and statistics for students in Mathematics, Informatics, Engineering, and Physics.

Il volume si rivolge agi studenti dei corsi di laurea delle Facolta di Matematica, Ingegneria e Informatica. Introduce concetti fondamentali circa la teoria della probabilita e statistica matematica. L'approccio mira a semplificare il formalismo per accedere rapidamente ai concetti di base, prendendo anche in considerazione il metodo Bayesiano. La parte teorica e supportata da parecchi esercizi risolti.