Book 2

MISSING Past and Present

by Diana Jackson

Published 28 February 2020
Following the mysterious disappearance of her husband, Dorothy Gibbons, affectionately known as Lady Pink Hat, trudges the lanes around Drumford, homeless and directionless. Alone she rolls a dice, reflecting on her life, times both painful and pleasant. She stumbles upon The Grange, an old disused Georgian farmhouse, and this changes the course of her fortune, although even this is not without conflict and drama. She finds an old social history book of her temporary refuge, but the sound of swinging from the rafters above her makeshift bed disturbs Dorothy and her imagination stirs her to write. Millie, an 18th Century aspirant nun, runs away from The Grange. Dorothy tells of her protagonist's adventures and tragedies, some parallel to her own. It is Jamal, a Syrian refugee and asylum seeker, whom Dorothy fosters until leaving school, who is driven to solve the mysteries. He and his brother settle in a nearby flat until the misguided Ahmed also disappears. With three missing people in his life, Dorothy, Gerald her husband and Ahmed, Jamal is determined to discover the truth? Is Millie also still haunting The Grange until her story is told?

Murder Now and Then

by Diana Jackson

Published 30 June 2014
Two murders interwoven, one hundred years apart. It is 2019, and Joanna Thomas, a less than conventional farmer's wife, is accused of murdering her husband, but with no motive or murder weapon uncovered, the likelihood of speedy conviction is diminishing, much to the dismay of the soon to retire Inspector Norton. His officers try to placate him, whilst uncovering a series of most strange coincidences, all compelling them towards an unsolved murder back in 1919. From no obvious suspects, they now have several seemingly unlikely candidates, none with totally believable alibis. Whilst puzzling over the complexity of this strange case, DS Tony Brown and DC Cathy Peterson take a trip to Jersey, but losing their lead they return, just as the case turns decidedly sinister. Could an unsolved murder in Haynes, Bedfordshire, back in 1919 really have a bearing on this case? Is Lucille still haunting the area of her murder until the mystery of her untimely death is solved?